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Descriere (limba engleză):

The popular Grammar Practice series has been thoroughly revised. With a focus on context and communication, the THIRD EDITION helps learners make the leap from practice to production more easily.

Key features
  • short, clear and simple grammar explanations appropiate to the level
  • a wide variety of interesting and stimulating exercises 
  • write-in space on the page
  • detailed contents page and grammar index
NEW in this edition
  • revised syllabus linked to the Council of Europe Framework
  • vocabulary sections, including phrasal verbs and word formation
  • regular Checks to review understanding and progress
  • further practice. Checks and tests on the interactive CD-ROM
  • useful appendices, including spelling rules, verb patterns, lists of dependent prepositions and phrasal verbs
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    • Telefon: 0744 680 030
    • E-mail: contact@exened.ro
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