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Descriere (limba engleză):

Focus Second Edition is an even richer version of the best-selling English language learning series for upper secondary students. The new course retains the best of the first edition – a unique vocabulary building program and the 3Ms methodology. It enhances this with BBC video content and more thorough Use of English preparation, to offer everything teachers and students need to achieve success, in and out of the classroom.

With Focus Second Edition students will be motivated and engaged by the authentic content; they will be strong in all language and life skills, and prepared well for achieving great exam results.

Responding to students’ and teachers’ needs:
  • Focus Second Edition retains what students and teachers highly valued in the first edition, and enhances it with authentic video content, including BBC videos and Focus vlogs.
  • This valuable, up-to-date content, along with plenty of new ideas and improvements, make the new edition a perfect fit for today’s teenagers and their busy teachers.
Stoc terminat
Stoc terminat
În stoc
Sunt 4 bucăți în stoc
- +
46.75 Lei
În stoc
Sunt 5 bucăți în stoc
- +
47.73 Lei
În stoc
Sunt 7 bucăți în stoc
- +
47.73 Lei
Stoc limitat
Este 1 bucată în stoc
- +
89.12 Lei
În stoc
Sunt 3 bucăți în stoc
- +
89.12 Lei
În stoc
Sunt 2 bucăți în stoc
- +
89.12 Lei
Stoc limitat
Este 1 bucată în stoc
- +
122.04 Lei
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    • Telefon: 0744 680 030
    • E-mail: contact@exened.ro
  • Contact
Website deținut de Excellent English Education S.R.L., CIF: RO41791093, Reg.Com: J40/14114/2019, Cod CAEN: 5811