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Clasificare CEFR

Descriere (limba engleză):

This unique and engaging program takes children on an exciting fantasy-island adventure with characters their own age.

The program introduces two new characters at each level with whom children can identify.

In the Level 1 welcome unit, children meet Kimmy and Timmy, and learn some greetings and actions to use. They also meet Sammy the Squirrel, the program's mascot (a puppet), who appears throughout the program and supports children as they learn (when he isn't getting into mischief!).

Each level has nine units. After an introductory welcome unit, there are eight thematic units which are recycled and build on each other at each level of the program.

The program
  • designed to help children learn to communicate in English through a four-skills-based approach
  • builds increasing language proficiency through prereading/reading, prewriting/writing, listening, and speaking lessons and activities
  • children start out listening to and looking at picture stories and advance in the upper two levels to reading along with stories that have simple text
  • children progress from tracing letters in words to writing words
  • listening and speaking skills, which are critical for language learning, are developed throughout the program with increasing emphasis in later levels
Four over-arching beliefs
  1. Realities of the child's world must be at the core of the program and the basis for materials chosen.
  2. A learner who is engaged will learn better.
  3. Each child is unique in personality, interests, and learning styles and will benefit from materials that reflect this.
  4. Successful learning only occurs when skills presented build on each other and are reviewed meaningfully.
Teaching tips
  • How to use songs. Author Leone Dyson discusses the value of using songs in the pre-primary classroom.
  • Close Your Eyes song. Listen to "Close Your Eyes" from the article Total Physical Response (TPR) in Language Learning by Leone Dyson.
Scope & Sequence:

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    • Telefon: 0744 680 030
    • E-mail: contact@exened.ro
  • Contact
Website deținut de Excellent English Education S.R.L., CIF: RO41791093, Reg.Com: J40/14114/2019, Cod CAEN: 5811