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English for International Tourism. New Edition. Upper Intermediate Coursebook with DVD-ROM

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English for International Tourism. New Edition. Upper Intermediate Coursebook with DVD-ROM

English for International Tourism. New Edition. Upper Intermediate Coursebook with DVD-ROM

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English for International Tourism. New Edition. Upper Intermediate Coursebook with DVD-ROM
Descriere (limba engleză):

The Coursebook contains ten units and two Review and consolidation sections. Each unit is divided into four lessons. The Unit Menu shows you the key learning objective of the lesson.

Each unit has the same structure:
  • a vocabulary lesson
  • a grammar lesson
  • a Professional skills lesson
  • a Case study or tourism-related game
The vocabulary lessons introduce and practise many words and expressions required in the tourism industry introduced either through a reading text or a listening.

In the grammar lessons key aspects of grammar that are essential for progress at this level are presented within an authentic tourism context.

The Professional skills lessons provide you with the opportunity to learn and practise effective interpersonal and business skills which are essential job requirement in the travel and tourism industries.

Each unit ends with a Case study linked to the unit's tourism theme. The Case studies are based on realistic tourism issues or situations and are designed to motivate and actively engage you in seeking solutions.

Editura: Pearson Education Limited
An apariție: 2013
Număr pagini: 128
ISBN: 978-1-4479-2391-6
Format (mm): 210x295
Limba studiată: Engleză britanică

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