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Formula B1 Preliminary Teacher's Book with Presentation Tool and Digital Resources

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  Formula B1 Preliminary Teacher's Book with Presentation Tool and Digital Resources

Formula B1 Preliminary Teacher's Book with Presentation Tool and Digital Resources

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Formula B1 Preliminary Teacher's Book with Presentation Tool and Digital Resources
Descriere (limba engleză):

Teacher's Book:
  • teaching notes with a wealth of additional and alternative classroom ideas, including warmer and cooler tasks, flexible follow-up tasks and ideas for fast finishers
  • dyslexia focus boxes identify course resources and give ideas for alternative treatment of tasks
  • full answer key, including smart answers for exam tasks
  • how to sections giving advice on using the Exam file, using Formula for different course lengths, teaching for exams, developing your students as independent learners and mindfulness for exams
  • speaking and writing success criteria at the back of the book to help you and your students understand what a solid answer, a good answer and an ‘acing it’ answer in the exam looks like
  • access to digital resources and Pearson Practice English App
Presentation Tool available on Pearson English Portal:
  • front-of-class teacher’s tool with fully interactive version of the Coursebook (including the practice activities from the Grammar file, the Vocabulary file and the Exam file)
  • static activities from the Exam Trainer with embedded audio and answer key
  • the Coursebook is interleaved with the relevant sections of the Exam Trainer for an easy back-and-forth between the components
  • provides a planning mode, including teaching notes, as well as a teaching mode
  • provides time-coded scripts for audio embedded in the activities
  • easy navigation via either the book page or lesson flow
  • score and timer tools for teacher-led activities
Digital resources available on Pearson English Portal:
  • teaching notes for the Exam Trainer
  • editable detailed grammar PowerPoint presentations for use with each unit’s grammar points
  • four photocopiable worksheets (two for Vocabulary and two for Grammar) per Coursebook unit, with full teaching notes and answer key
  • vocabulary maps for exam wordlist
  • Coursebook and Exam Trainer audio.
  • extensive test package to use throughout the course, including Diagnostic, Unit, Progress and End of level tests
  • dyslexia-friendly versions of each test
  • both the standard and dyslexia-friendly versions of the test package available as editable Word documents or ready-to-print PDFs
  • two full practice exams
  • answer keys and audio files

Editura: Pearson Education Limited
An apariție: 2021
Număr pagini: 160
ISBN: 978-1-292-39150-2
Format (mm): 210x275
Tip copertă: broșată (paperback)
Categoria: Pregătire examene
Seria: Formula
CEFR (Cadrul European Comun de Referință pentru Limbi): Nivelul B1

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Website deținut de Excellent English Education S.R.L., CIF: RO41791093, Reg.Com: J40/14114/2019, Cod CAEN: 5811