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Gold Experience 2nd Edition Exam Practice: Cambridge English B2 First for Schools

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Gold Experience 2nd Edition Exam Practice: Cambridge English B2 First for Schools

Gold Experience 2nd Edition Exam Practice: Cambridge English B2 First for Schools

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Gold Experience 2nd Edition Exam Practice: Cambridge English B2 First for Schools
Descriere (limba engleză):

Gold Experience Exam Practice: Cambridge English B2 First for Schools 
offers students intensive exam practice and support, and works alongside the Student's Book. Powered by Practice Tests Plus, it combines realistic exam practice with guidance and strategies for dealing with each exam paper.
  • Two complete practice tests
  • Detailed overviews of each exam paper
  • Guidance, strategies and tips on each paper
  • Full-colour visual material for the Speaking tests
  • Speaking and Writing banks with model answers and useful language.
The audio for the Listening tests is part of the Teacher's Online Resources.

This book contains brand new material for Gold Experience 2nd edition. The Practice Tests Plus series provides authentic practice for the Cambridge English exams, including complete tests with guidance and useful tips wich maximise learners' chances of excelling. Get even more practice tests in the full Practice Tests Plus series.

Editura: Pearson Education Limited
ISBN: 978-1-292-19519-3
An publicare: 2018
Număr pagini: 64
Format (mm): 210x275
Limba studiată: Engleză britanică
Categoria: Pregătire examene
CEFR (Cadrul European Comun de Referință pentru Limbi): Nivelul B2

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