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High Note 2. Workbook with audio and video Resources

High Note 2. Workbook with audio and video Resources

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High Note 2. Workbook with audio and video Resources
Descriere (limba engleză): 

High Note offers a perfect mix of print and online resources for students and teachers to make the learning journey exciting and successful.

Students can use a Student’s Book with extra digital activities and resources, accompanied by a paper workbook. 

They can also choose a Student’s Book with Online Practice and extra digital activities and resources, where the workbook is available in the online format, providing interactive activities, instant feedback and automatic grading.

The mobile app comes with both versions and includes access to course audio and videos.

  • Additional grammar, vocabulary and skills practice to reinforce material in the Student’s Book used for homework or self-study
  • self-assessment sections after each unit
  • lists of phrasal verbs and dependent prepositions
  • self-checks after each unit
  • pronunciation programme
  • vocabulary extension in the Reading and Listening lessons
  • new reading and listening texts
  • mirrors the Student’s Book unit structure

Editura: Pearson Education Limited
An apariție: 2020
Număr pagini: 128
ISBN: 978-1-292-20949-4
Format (mm): 210x295
Limba studiată: Engleză

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