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How to Teach Vocabulary Book and Audio CD Pack

How to Teach Vocabulary Book and Audio CD Pack

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How to Teach Vocabulary Book and Audio CD Pack
Descriere (limba engleză):

This collection of user-friendly development books will assist a broad range of teachers and trainers in expanding their classroom capabilities. Each text offers practical information within a clear theoretical framework. The series builds teachers' confidence, knowledge and classroom abilities -- and inspires them to try out new ideas.

How to Teach Vocabulary is a practical guide for teachers who wish to develop their skills and learn about recent developments in this important area

The book includes:
  • a description of how words are learned
  • a guide to useful sources of vocabulary for classroom use, includingcoursebooks, corpora and dictionaires
  • approaches to presenting and consolidating vocabulary knowledge
  • ways of testing vocabulary
  • a Task File of photocopiable training tasks
"The How to... series is written by teachers and teacher trainers, people who know the reality of the classroom and the support teachers need to get the most out of their students. Our aim is to build teachers' confidence, knowledge and classroom abilities - and inspire them to try out new ideas." Jeremy Harmer, Series Editor

Editura: Pearson Education Limited
An apariție: 2002
Număr pagini: 185
Format (mm): 190x245
Tip copertă: broșată (paperback)

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Website deținut de Excellent English Education S.R.L., CIF: RO41791093, Reg.Com: J40/14114/2019, Cod CAEN: 5811