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Rise and Shine, Level 1, Learn to read, Activity Book with eBook and Busy Book Pack

Rise and Shine, Level 1, Learn to read, Activity Book with eBook and Busy Book Pack

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Rise and Shine, Level 1, Learn to read, Activity Book with eBook and Busy Book Pack
Descriere (limba engleză):

Rise and Shine’s unique five-stage methodology supports learners in understanding exactly how far they have come and where they are heading on their learning journey, signposted by coloured stepping stones:
  • Wonder: activities that spark interest, draw on prior knowledge and set out the quest for the unit
  • Imagine: imaginative stories and activities that encourage cognitive engagement
  • Build: meaningful language input and practice, providing direction and support, with a strong focus on building communication skills and confidence
  • Grow: real-world content that opens learners’ eyes through a global citizenship objective and provides opportunities to relate language back to their own lives
  • Shine: a final unit project broken down into differentiated steps to allow every learner to showcase their achievements
Activity Book with eBook:
  • Designed for use in class or at home
  • Consolidates and extends Pupil’s Book lessons
  • Picture dictionary
  • Includes eBook
Busy Book:
  • Flexible component designed for use in class or at home
  • Encourages learners to engage with English in order to play games, solve puzzles and complete small projects  
  • One page per Pupil’s Book stage to provide extra consolidation, extension and personalisation of the language and themes

Editura: Pearson Education Limited
An apariție: 2021
Număr pagini: 64 + 32
ISBN: 978-1-292-37221-1
Format (mm): 220x275
Tip copertă: broșată (paperback)
Limba studiată: Engleză britanică
Cambridge English: Pre A1 Starters
Global Scale of English: 10-22
CEFR (Cadrul European Comun de Referință pentru Limbi): Nivelul Pre A1
Scope & Sequence: PDF 

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