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Rise and Shine, Level 2, Teacher's Book and eBook with Digital Resources

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Rise and Shine, Level 2, Teacher's Book and eBook with Digital Resources

Rise and Shine, Level 2, Teacher's Book and eBook with Digital Resources

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Rise and Shine, Level 2, Teacher's Book and eBook with Digital Resources
Descriere (limba engleză):

Rise and Shine’s unique five-stage methodology supports learners in understanding exactly how far they have come and where they are heading on their learning journey, signposted by coloured stepping stones.
  • Wonder: activities that spark interest, draw on prior knowledge and set out the quest for the unit
  • Imagine: imaginative stories and activities that encourage cognitive engagement
  • Build: meaningful language input and practice, providing direction and support, with a strong focus on building communication skills and confidence
  • Grow: real-world content that opens learners’ eyes through a global citizenship objective and provides opportunities to relate language back to their own lives
  • Shine: a final unit project broken down into differentiated steps to allow every learner to showcase their achievements
Teacher's Book:

With detailed step-by-step lesson plans for every lesson, along with ideas for extra activities and games

It also provides a detailed introduction that outlines the methodology, as well as recommendations for effective use of all the course resources.

Presentation tool
  • A complete interactive version of the Pupil’s Book and Activity Book with videos, interactive activities and teacher’s resources.
Digital resources with external exam preparation material
  • Includes assignable online homework with automatic grading, a robust assessment pack, all the audio and video for the course in one place, digital versions of posters, flashcards and story cards and extra resources, worksheets and games.
Test Generator
  • A bank of tests that allows you to create, customise and print your own tests at the right level for your students to check their progress and help to improve performance so that they can reach their full potential.

Editura: Pearson Education Limited
An apariție: 2021
Număr pagini: 176
ISBN: 978-1-292-36936-5
Format (mm): 220x275
Tip copertă: broșată (paperback)
Limba studiată: Engleză britanică
Cambridge English: Pre A1 Starters
Global Scale of English: 15-26
Benchmark: Level 1
CEFR (Cadrul European Comun de Referință pentru Limbi): Nivelul Pre A1

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