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Roadmap C1-C2. Student's Book with Online Practice, Interactive eBook and mobile app

Roadmap C1-C2. Student's Book with Online Practice, Interactive eBook and mobile app

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Roadmap C1-C2. Student's Book with Online Practice, Interactive eBook and mobile app
Descriere (limba engleză):

Student's Book
  • Ten units with three main input lessons link to three Develop your listening, reading and writing skills lessons
  • An English in Action lesson in each unit covers key functional language with video clips and worksheets
  • In each main lesson the Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation lead up to a speaking task based on GSE learning objectives
  • Check and reflect pages at the end of each unit help show learners how their confidence and mastery of spoken language has improved
  • A Vocabulary bank provides extension of some of the key vocabulary sets in each unit with a focus on important areas such as word-building, collocation, etc.
  • Key language is presented and cross-referenced to a Grammar Reference and practice bank at the back of the book
  • Audio, video, scripts, word lists available online

MyEnglishLab provides online practice for students, class management for teachers and a gradebook to review performance. Features include:
  • A digital version of the exercises and activities from the Workbook
  • Tools for managing and assigning self-study and practice activities to students with automatic marking to save time
  • A gradebook for reviewing performance of individual students and classes  
Mobile practice app:
  • Extra grammar and vocabulary exercises on the app help students consolidate language points covered in the Students’ Book. These are further practice activities.

Editura: Pearson Education Limited
An apariție: 2021
Număr pagini: 191
Tip copertă: broșată (paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-292-39131-1
Format (mm): 210x295
Limba studiată: Engleză britanică
Categoria: Engleză generală
Seria: Roadmap
CEFR (Cadrul European Comun de Referință pentru Limbi): Nivelul C1
Cuprins: DA

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