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Step Up, Skills for Employability, Coursebook and eBook, B1+ level

Step Up, Skills for Employability, Coursebook and eBook, B1+ level

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Step Up, Skills for Employability, Coursebook and eBook, B1+ level
Descriere (limba engleză):

Open up to a world of opportunity with Step Up, Skills for Employability. This short, six-level course provides you with the essential skills you need to succeed in a competitive job market while developing your English language skills. 

Step Up is an online course that lets you learn at your own pace and provides instant scoring and feedback on your performance. You can study it on your own or with a teacher, using this Coursebook. 

You will explore employability and job seeking skills across 12 modules:
  • Communication 1. Resolving Conflict
  • Communication 2. Handling Miscommunication
  • Goal Settings. Monitoring Progress
  • Teamwork. Solving Team Problems
  • Critical Thinking. Analyzing and Evaluating Information
  • Leadership. How to be a Leader
  • Self-Management. Time-Management Strategies 
  • Wellness. Managing Stress
  • Social Responsibility. Business Sustainability
  • Branding. Creating a Career Portfolio
  • Job Search. The Information Interview
  • Interviewing. The Interview
Develop these skills alongside your English language skills, including vocabulary practice, pronunciation, discussion strategies, and listening, reading and note-taking skills. 

Scope and SequenceLevel B1+

Editura: Pearson Education Limited
An apariție: 2023
ISBN: 978-0-13-747360-1
Număr pagini: 88
Format (mm): 210x270
Limba studiată: Engleză americană
CEFR (Cadrul European Comun de Referință pentru Limbi): Nivelul B1+

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