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The Importance of Being Earnest. Black Cat Reading Classics, Book + Audio CD

The Importance of Being Earnest. Black Cat Reading Classics, Book + Audio CD

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The Importance of Being Earnest. Black Cat Reading Classics, Book + Audio CD
Descriere (limba engleză):

Acknowledged as Wilde’s most perfect comedy, brilliant and subversive, The Importance of Being Earnest has even been considered to anticipate the ‘drama of the absurd’ of the twentieth century. Guided activities and introduction help the student to appreciate this masterpiece.

The Black Cat Cideb brand has offered a vast catalogue of English, French, Spanish, German and Italian texts since the 1970s both in the Italian market and abroad - from graded readers to texts for primary and secondary schools, including texts for certification and exam preparation to culture and grammar references. eReaders and the Black Cat Cideb app are dedicated to the world of graded readers, and are proposed in different languages ​​and collections.

All Black Cat Cideb collections have the following features in common:
  • Division into levels based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • Rich in illustrations
  • An intercultural Dossier
  • Comprehension, vocabulary, grammar and production (before and after reading) activities
  • Games and activities
  • Activities modelled on certifications (Cambridge exams, Trinity, DELF, DELE, FIT)
  • Audio of the text
  • Final test

  • Earlyreads: collection divided into five levels, dedicated to children and offering original stories and adapted classics.
    • Target: children.
    • 5 levels: 100 words for Level 1, 150 words for Level 2, 200 words for Level 3, 250 words for Level 4 and 300 words for Level 5.
  • Green Apple: collection divided into three levels, dedicated to teenagers and offering original stories and adapted classics.
    • Target: teenagers.
    • 3 levels: starter (A1), step 1 (A2), step 2 (A2-B1).
  • Reading & Training: collection divided into six levels, dedicated to teenagers and adults and offering original stories and numerous adaptations of classics.
    • Target: young adults and adults.
    • 6 levels: step 1 (A2), step 2 (B1.1), step 3 (B1.2), step 4 (B2.1), step 5 (B2.2), step 6 (C1).
  • Reading &Training Discovery
    • Target: young adults and adults.
    • 3 levels: step 1, step 2 e step 3 (da A2 a B1.1).
  • Reading Classics
    • Classics in original, unabridged versions, with notes and activities, targeted at adults.
    • Find out which series and levels are suitable for you.

Editura: Black Cat Cideb
An apariție: 1992
Număr pagini: 240
Tip copertă: broșată (paperback)
ISBN: 978-88-7754-126-0
Format (mm): 130x195
Categoria: Lectură adaptată
Subcategoria: Black Cat Readers
Limba studiată: Engleză
CEFR (Cadrul European Comun de Referință pentru Limbi): Nivelul C1/C2

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Website deținut de Excellent English Education S.R.L., CIF: RO41791093, Reg.Com: J40/14114/2019, Cod CAEN: 5811