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Speakout 3rd Edition, B1 level, Teacher's Book with Teacher's Portal Access Code

Speakout 3rd Edition, B1 level, Teacher's Book with Teacher's Portal Access Code

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Speakout 3rd Edition, B1 level, Teacher's Book with Teacher's Portal Access Code
Descriere (limba engleză):

Speakout 3rd edition offers brand new content, all-new video, and a fresh new look and feel, all underpinned by flexyble components for in-class, online and hybrid use.
  • Built on the Global Scale of English, providing clear objectives for every stage of lesson
  • All-new BBC video, including clips from popular TV programmes, street interviews, and vlogs for maximum exposure to authentic English as it is spoken around the world
  • Innovative speech recognition for out-of-class speaking practice
  • Enhanced pronunciation strand with recording feature
  • Integrated skills for employability, including mediation lessons and 'future skills' training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work
  • Mapped to external exams, including the Benchmark Test and Pearson International Certificate
Teacher's Book with Teacher's Portal Access Code
  • Presentation Tool with a digital version of the Student's Book and Workbook, lesson notes, audio, video and interactive exercises
  • Online Practice of the Workbook activities with instant feedback, where teachers can assign activities
  • Gradebook with student results from the activities in the Student's Book and Online Practice
  • Test Generator with assignable test activities and editable tests
  • Virtual classroom with live video, sharable interactive whiteboard, live assignments with view of student performance, chat and hand-raising system
  • Teacher's Resources, including exam alignment tables, training and support videos, and photocopiable activities
Scope and SequenceLevel B1

Editura: Pearson Education Limited
An apariție: 2023
Număr pagini: 223
Tip copertă: broșată (necartonată)
ISBN: 978-1-292-73020-2
Format (mm): 210x295
Limba studiată: Engleză britanică
BenchmarkBenchmark Test B1
CEFR (Cadrul European Comun de Referință pentru Limbi): Nivelul B1

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